Map to Accompany Six Petitions to the State board of control for amendment or correction of certificate of appropriation and change of point of diversion and means of conveyance for only portions of 0.01 cfs of Brown No. 1 Ditch 0.07cfs of Upper Dry Creek Ditch 0.13 cfs of Hebler and Murray Upper No. 1 Ditch 0.08 cfs of hebler and Murray No. 2 Ditch 0.05 cfs of Enlarged Williams Ditch 0.21 cfs of McQuay no. 5 Ditch and to show a means of conveyance of supplementary supply water diverting from Mary No. 1 Stock Reservoir Enlarged Petitioner Lonesome Fox Corporation, Clifford B White, Manager Rock River, Wyoming sheet 1 of 2
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